Archive & Unarchive

  • Before the scheduled start time, when no one has booked the ed-event: Mentors have the option to archive the ed-event. In this case, ed-events can later be deleted after they are archived. Once any member books the ed-event, archiving is no longer possible and it will be automatically archived upon completion.
  • After the scheduled start time, If no one has booked the ed-event: ed-events will be automatically archived. Mentors can unarchive the ed-event by editing and updating the ed-event's time. After making these changes, the ed-event will be automatically unarchived.
  • When an ed-event has participants : It will be automatically archived upon completion, and it cannot be unarchived or edited. This allows participants to keep a record of their learning on edsurfing. If mentors wish to hold the same ed-event again, they should create a new ed-event with a new time.