Other ed-lessons

Learn Spanish from Angela
Angela E.
I teach: Spanish
🌟 Achieve your goals in Spanish These personalized Spanish lessons are designed for learners of all levels who want to communicate confidently and immerse themselves in the language and culture. By the end of t
I teach: spanish in conversations, pronunciation
📸 Improve your Spanish level starting NOW! I am a Spanish teacher with more than 5 years of teaching experience. I focus only on what you need to improve and make the most of your valuable time! 📸 I am a
Learn Accounting, Economic and Maths from Zia Ur
Zia Ur R.
I teach: Accounting, Economic and Maths
I teach basic accounting, mathematics, and economics. In addition to that, I assist with counseling, whether it's related to education or personal matters. I also help people overcome depression and anxiety through communicatio
I teach: Most Maths, Sciences, and Grammar
I like to take the time to get to know what my students need. I will either reach out to them, or parent and get a feel for where they’re at in the curriculum, and see where I should jump in and start. Once i have this understa
Learn Biology, Chemistry, Math and ESL from Diana
Diana A.
I teach: Biology, Chemistry, Math and ESL
This ed-lesson is designed for elementary through high school students who are looking to improve their understanding and skills in science and math as well as for Russian speaking students seeking help in English. With persona
I teach: Att Vaxa Bivaxdukar hemma!
Vill du lära dig att vaxa bivaxdukar själv och aldrig mer behöva använda bivaxfolie för att hålla din mat fräsch? Jag lär dig vilka material du ska använda, bästa tekniken och hur du bäst tar hand om dina färdiga

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I teach: Communication
The focus of this lesson is to develop key skills in active listening, presentation techniques, negotiation strategies, and emotional intelligence. It will also address the importance of effective feedback, various communicatio
Learn Matematik, fysik, kemi och biologi from Ayat
Ayat K.
In person
I teach: Matematik, fysik, kemi och biologi
Under min lektion kommer du att lära dig matematik på ett enkelt och begripligt sätt. Jag kommer att visa dig logiska strategier som gör det lättare att förstå och lösa problem. Vi går igenom viktiga begrepp och metoder som hjä
Learn English and Tagalog  from Cecil
Cecil L.
I teach: English and Tagalog
I'm a passionate English teacher dedicated to empowering learners of all ages. My classes are engaging, and understanding English and Tagalog-Filipino. I welcome students from beginner to secondary level and adults, so don't h
Learn Grundläggande kunskaper inom musikproduktion from Isak
Isak S.
I teach: Grundläggande kunskaper inom musikproduktion
En introduktion till musikproduktion med programmet Logic. Vi kommer att börja lätt och simpelt, med väldigt grundläggande lektioner inom musikskapandet. Tillsammans tar vi dina första steg mot att bli en musikprodu
Learn Chemistry/Kemi from Youssef
Youssef M.
In person
I teach: Chemistry/Kemi
We will go through your weaknesses, then we will determine the plan for your studies. After that we can begin directly with studies. If you study in a swedish gymnasium, then it will be easier and faster for determ
Learn Swedish pop-music culture and ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) from Sabine
Sabine S.
I teach: Swedish pop-music culture and ESC (Eurovision Song Contest)
It all began in April back in 1974 when ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in Brighton. It was, not only, Sweden's very first win, but it was the night when ABBA "put Swedish music on the map". Since then, this small co

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Learn Mathematics for primary and middle school students  from maha
maha Y.
I teach: Mathematics for primary and middle school students
I educate students on the principles of mathematics. I might teach general math or particular fields of mathematics, such as geometry, algebra and calculus, to students at different grade levels. My responsibility is to help st
Learn Idrott och hälsa from Helin
Helin J.
I teach: Idrott och hälsa
Idrott och hälsa i grundskolan. Hur man arbetar med elever när det kommer till konflikthantering, föräldrar kontakt och hur man planerar lektioner. Ned- och uppgradering av övningar samt vikten av ledarskap.
Learn Arbeta i fritidshem from Helin
Helin J.
I teach: Arbeta i fritidshem
Hur man arbetar i fritidshem. Aktiviteter kan planeras genom tema för att utveckla olika förmågor. Strukturen för ett fungerande fritidshem där man arbetar både enskilt som i grupp. Vikten av att samarbeta är vikt
Learn Self nourish and gut health awareness, blood sugar remedies. from Amon
Amon R.
I teach: Self nourish and gut health awareness, blood sugar remedies.
A list of steps to take in order to move forward and make the best of your skin and body and mindset. Glow from the inside out. I teach home remedies for your skin your hair and your blood sugar in order to control aging of the

