Other ed-lessons

Learn Spanish from Carmen
Carmen O.
In person
I teach: Spanish
We'll begin by evaluating your current level and identifying your specific interests within the language. Our emphasis will be on understanding your goals, and together, we'll devise a personalized approach, tailoring a working

Learn Spanish from Laura
Laura P.
I teach: Spanish
Learn Spanish for daily conversation with a Spanish native :-) Basic day to day conversations for life in Spain or basic knowledge for tourist while on holidays over there or any Spanish speaking country.

Learn Hur du skapar effektiv marknadsföring på sociala medier! from Julia
Julia K.
I teach: Hur du skapar effektiv marknadsföring på sociala medier!
Efter denna utbildning kommer du kunna maximera dina mål med de sociala kanalerna. Du kommer även ha ny inspiration och insikter när det kommer till content craeation, storytelling och målgruppsanalyser.

I teach: Mathematics and physics
I will teach math or physics at any level up to ma3 in the swedish system which is pre calculus, and up to fysik 1. You choose what you want to focus on and with which book. I can also make exams and correct the exams with feed

Learn Swedish from Kevn
Kevn Ö.
I teach: Swedish
Hej där! This is a lesson where we first will define your goals in learning Swedish. Then we’ll read some swedish texts together with english translations. I’ll teach you some of the basic words based on your level of Swedis

Learn Sångteknik och musik på alla nivåer! from Helena
Helena N.
In person
I teach: Sångteknik och musik på alla nivåer!
Jag kollar av vad du behöver och vad du vill lära dig inom sång och musik. Sedan får du några grundläggande övningar för att gå vidare till tekniker för att lära dig det som tar dig framåt i din utveckling inom röst, musik och

Selected mentors and learners

Meet teachers, learners and like-minded people.

Learn Spanish conversational class from Dalia
Dalia L.
I teach: Spanish conversational class
I can prepare whatever topic you want or you can bring one, I can also correct documents or texts. Do you want to talk about a specific movie, book or newspapper, just let me know and I will be prepared.

Learn Spanish level A1 - A2 from Dalia
Dalia L.
I teach: Spanish level A1 - A2
I will give access to my online platform and we will have a live session in order to do the conversational practice with the topics you studied previously in the platform. In the platform you will find, games, interactiv

