Other ed-lessons

Learn Mathematics from Luanda
Luanda G.
I teach: Mathematics
Accompaniment in steps and procedures for a better understanding of Mathematics. Use of several methodologies for unleashing the critical thinking of the learner. Provide learner with all hints and importance of Mat

I teach: French language
I give lessons in conversation, grammar, vocabulary, conjugation, reading, business French, medical French and many others.Each of the lessons you will do with me will aim to improve your French language level every day.

Learn Biology and Microbiology  from Maryam
Maryam G.
I teach: Biology and Microbiology
To introduce students to the vast diversity of microorganisms and their importance in various ecosystems. To demonstrate the significance of microbial diversity in human health, industry, and the environment. To eng

Learn Math (algebra, trig, precalc, calc) (all levels up to/including college calculus) from Rachel
Rachel B.
I teach: Math (algebra, trig, precalc, calc) (all levels up to/including college calculus)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus at college, high schoo

Learn Chemistry (all levels up to/including college organic chemistry and biochemistry) from Rachel
Rachel B.
I teach: Chemistry (all levels up to/including college organic chemistry and biochemistry)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach all levels of chemistry (college, high school, and middle school), including coll

Learn Biology (all levels including college) from Rachel
Rachel B.
I teach: Biology (all levels including college)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach all levels of biology (college, high school, and middle school), including colleg

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Learn Roller skating  from Nádia
Nádia S.
In person
I teach: Roller skating
My lessons are known for being delivered with a very kind flair, within a very welcoming and peaceful environment, and in a very respectful manner. I genuinely love to skate, it is my preferred way to express myself deeply and

Learn Hur du når fler kunder och bygger ditt varumärke i alla plattformar.  from Jenny
Jenny L.
I teach: Hur du når fler kunder och bygger ditt varumärke i alla plattformar.
Lär dig nå fler kunder genom att analysera din marknadsföring idag! Vad är det som saknas för att nå fler kunder? Är det sociala medier? Är det webbplatsen? Sociala nätverk? Hur Fungerar annonsering och planering

I teach: Portuguese for beginners
This ed-lesson combines engaging content, interactive activities, and expert guidance to enhance your learning journey. Whether you're a beginner or advanced learner, my ed-lesson offers a dynamic and enriching educational exp

Learn ESG and Corporate Sustainability from Elaine
Elaine M.
I teach: ESG and Corporate Sustainability
-Introduction to ESG -What is ESG for companies: Learn How each individual, organization and system can start to analyze its behaviors and change towards more sustainable practices and models. -Intro to carbon acco

Learn Hur man hanterar beteenden. Inställningar till livet.  from Chris
Chris T.
I teach: Hur man hanterar beteenden. Inställningar till livet.
Eget beteende Andras beteende Tanken är att gå igenom roten. Roten är alltid problemet, oavsett om det handlar om beteenden eller psykisk ohälsa eller ångest eller handlingsförlamning. Har stött på många me

I teach: Russian
Embarking on a Russian language lesson for foreigners is a journey into one of the world's most intriguing and culturally rich languages. Whether you're drawn to its poetic elegance, its vast literary heritage, or its significa

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Learn Svenska from Rosie
Rosie N.
I teach: Svenska
You will learn to understand people who have Swedish as their mother tounge and also to speak in a fluently way. We meet once a week and you will also be a part of a group on facebook. We use a book called Ri

I teach: Holistisk hållbar hälsa
Denna kurs lär ut unika verktyg som självmassage, akupressur, naturens medicin, kroppskännedom, rörelse, avslappning, andningstekniker, mindfulness, förändra tankemönster och bli djupt medveten om både kropp och själ, så att v

Learn Syntax and Lexical Analysis  from Gaone
Gaone J.
I teach: Syntax and Lexical Analysis
1.Understand the fundamental concepts of syntax and lexical analysis in programming languages. Identify and correct errors in code related to syntax and lexical rules. Gain proficiency in

Learn English from lawrence
lawrence s.
In person
I teach: English
In this engaging and interactive English lesson, students will embark on a journey to explore the rich and diverse world of the English language and culture. Through a variety of activities, discussions, and multimedia resource

